[Physics] What actually is the wavevector in the context of phonons and lattice vibration


When we deal with Electromagnetic waves the wavevector has the meaning that it encodes the information about the direction of propagation, together with the wavelength.

In Quantum Mechanics, the wavevector is related to momentum, and hence carries information about the direction of motion of a particle.

Now, in Solid State Physics, in the context of phonons and lattice vibrations, there also appears wavevectors, but I'm not being able to understand what they actually mean.

For instance, in that context, we have a dispersion relation $\omega_s(\mathbf{k})$ for each branch $s$, which is a function of a wavevector. In the same sense, we integrate over wavevectors to find density of states, specific heat and so on.

It seems that one of the first places this appears is when actually trying to find the displacement of each atom from the equilibrium position. In that, after properly setting the equations of motion, one seeks solutions of the form:

$$\mathbf{u}(\mathbf{R},t)=\mathbf{A}e^{i(\mathbf{k}\cdot \mathbf{R}-\omega t)},$$

where $\mathbf{A}$ is a vector which gives the direction in which the ions move.

What is not clear to me is what these wavevectors $\mathbf{k}$ represents here. All we have is a Bravais lattice with atoms located at each site and oscilating around the site.

How does a wavevector appear into this discussion? What does it represent?

And also, what does it mean to talk about the "frequency as function of $\mathbf{k}$"? I don't get why do we have a frequency that depends on a wavevector, if this frequency should just be the frequency of vibration of the atoms.

Best Answer

In a crystal lattice, sound waves of transverse and longitudinal lattice vibrations can be described by exponential wave functions $\vec {s}=\vec {s_0} exp{i(\omega t-\vec {k}\vec{r})}$ just like sound waves in the continuum model of solids. The lattice displacements $\vec {s}$ are, of course, restricted to the lattice atoms. Similar wave solution can, e.g., be found on linear mechanical chain models of balls connected by springs. The wave vector $\vec {k}$ represents the wavelength $\lambda=\frac{2 \pi}{|\vec {k}|}$ of these lattice vibration modes. The momentum $\vec {p}$ of the phonons, the quantized lattice vibrations, is related to the wave vector by $\vec {p}=\hbar\vec{k}$ and the energy $E$ by $E=\hbar \omega$. Wave vectors $k$ in the direction of an axis with lattice constant $a$ can be considered to be limited to a Brillouin zone $[-\frac{\pi}{a},\frac{\pi}{a}]$ because a wave vector $k+\frac{2\pi}{a}$ describes the same lattice displacements as k. Therefore, due to the periodic discrete lattice positions of the atoms, wave vectors outside this zone can be considered to be equivalent to a wave vector in the Brillouin zone. The dispersion relations $\omega(\mathbf{k})$ usually have multiple branches for the longitudinal and transverse acoustic waves. Their slopes at low frequencies and wave vectors give the sound velocities of acoustic transverse and longitudinal waves. There are also branches at higher frequencies which correspond to vibrations where neighboring atoms vibrate against each other. These modes are called optical phonons because in polar crystals they lead to the absorption of infrared light.

Note: In principle you can excite lattice vibrations at any frequency $\omega$ and obtain the pertinent $\vec {k}$ from the dispersion relations. (If for the given frequency solutions of the dispersion relations exist.)

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