[Physics] Water pressure in free fall

equivalence-principlefluid dynamicsfree fallpressure

The increasing water pressure as you go deeper is generally explained in terms of the weight of the water column above the observation point pressing down. The question, then, is what would happen if you had a big blob of water in free fall, say 100m in diameter– not big enough to produce large gravitational forces on its own– and swam to the center of it. I'm imagining some sort of contained environment, here– a giant space station, or the planet-sized envelope of air in Karl Schroeder's Virga novels, that sort of thing– so you don't worry about the water boiling off into vacuum or freezing solid, or whatever.

Would there be any pressure differential between the surface of the blob and the center of the blob? At first glance, it would seem not, or at least not beyond whatever fairly trivial difference you would get from the self-gravity of the water. But it's conceivable that there might be some other fluid dynamics thing going on that would give you a difference.

For that matter, what difference would you expect between the pressure inside the water and outside the water? We know from shots of astronauts goofing around that water in free fall tends to stay together in discrete blobs. This is presumably some sort of surface tension effect. Does that lead to a higher pressure inside the water than out? How much of a difference would that be? Or would you not particularly notice a change from sticking your head into a blob of free-falling water? (Other than, you know, being wet…)

(This is just an idle question, brought on by thinking about the equivalence principle, and thus free-falling frames. It occurred to me that somebody here might know something about this kind of scenario, so why not post it?)

Best Answer

indeed there would be a (very small) and homogenous pressure within the blob, coming from surface tension. This pressure is calculated by the Kelvin Equation and is significant in small droplets (reason for small droplets to have a higher vapour pressure than bulk liquid) In Your 100 m blob, this extra pressure is negligible of course. There is another thing in liquids the so called internal pressure, caused by the cohesion forces. (more theoretical) But this You cannot sense in Your blob, because Your body per se always has this internal pressure.

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