[Physics] Voltage drop across battery with internal resistance


Consider a battery with internal resistance connected to an external voltage source; there is a voltage difference along the battery

Battery The voltage source is not drawn in the picture

The voltage difference is $\ V= E ± Ir$ where ± is determined by the direction of the current flow. The symbols have their usual meanings
V is the total voltage difference through the battery. As per the definition of resistance ; the resistance of some component is equal to the total voltage difference through that component divided by the total current that flows through it.

Accordingly, it would follow that $\frac{V}{r}=I$ Which is in contradiction to the aforementioned. E would be zero, which is clearly wrong

The second method implicitly assumes that the total voltage drop is only caused by the resistance alone. However to my knowledge resistance is defined as the ratio between the total voltage difference and the current that flows through it.

What is the correct definition of resistance of a component, if it is different from the above? Or is there something wrong in my reasoning?

Reading the answer I now consider the contexts where V=IR can be used as a definition for the resistance of a component.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_resistance_and_conductance The wiki article uses “object” implying, some sort of a generality. $V$-$I$ linear OR $V=IR$ is statement of Ohm's law? Too stresses how resistance is defined.

Best Answer

Where have I gone wrong?

You've gone wrong here:

the resistance of some component is equal to the total voltage difference through that component divided by the total current that flows through it.

It's not some component that Ohm's law applies to, it's specifically (ideal) resistors.

To model a physical cell, one starts by putting an ideal resistor in series with an ideal voltage source. You'll note that the voltage across the resistor is given by Ohm's law but the voltage across the voltage source is what it is regardless of the current through, i.e., the ideal voltage source does not obey Ohm's law.

Thus, the voltage across the series combination of the voltage source and resistor will not, and should not be expected to, obey Ohm's law.

Seeing the updates to your original post, I think I better see what you're asking about.

As I wrote above, Ohm's law $V = I R$ where $R$ is a constant applies to ideal resistors.

However, for non-ohmic components, one can define a static (or DC) resistance $R_{DC}$ as well as a dynamic (or small-signal) resistance $r$.

The static resistance is simply the ratio of the DC voltage across and current through:

$$R_{DC} \equiv \frac{V_{DC}}{I_{DC}}$$

So, in the battery example of your question, the static resistance is given by

$$R_{DC} = \frac{E + I_{DC}r}{I_{DC}} = \frac{E}{I_{DC}} + r$$

(Note: this is a somewhat unusual application of the static resistance concept since the battery is a typically a source rather than a load).

The The dynamic resistance is the ratio of the change in voltage to the change in current from their DC values:

$$r \equiv \frac{dV}{dI} \approx \frac{\Delta V}{\Delta I}$$

In your battery example, the dynamic resistance is just the internal resistance $r$

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