[Physics] Voltage drop across an inductor in a $RL$ circuit


for a circuit that has a resistor (resistance $R$), and a
inductor (inductance $L$), that are connected in series to a source of AC electromotance.

How do I find the voltage drop across the inductor in term of the component values, $R$ and $L$, the source electromotance $E$ and the source frequency, $ω$?

Best Answer

The basic formula for finding the potential drop is $V=X_{L}I$ ----(1);

Where $X_L$ is the inductive reactance

and I is current

Step 1: To find $X_L$

its simple $X_L$=$\omega$L

Step 2: To find current I

In LCR circuit we find net reactance which is similar to net resistance


Then we have I=V/Z.

Now you can substitute the values of I and $X_L$ and substitute in eqn (1).

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