[Physics] Velocity vs Time Bounce


Could someone please explain the trajectory of the ball that is bouncing in this picture…

The vertical component of the velocity of a bouncing ball is shown in the graph below. The positive Y direction is vertically up. The ball deforms slightly when it is in contact with the ground.

Ball track

I'm not sure what the ball is doing and when, what happens at 1s?

Best Answer

You need to remember that this isn't a plot of position vs. time, it's velocity vs. time. Now that that's emphasised, let's analyse the plot.

Clearly, the ball starts out at zero velocity and the velocity is increasing in the negative direction linearly with time. But we also know that the acceleration on a body is given by $$ a = \frac{dv}{dt}$$ i.e., the rate of change of velocity. I don't know familiar with calculus you are, but for a straight line the slope ($dv/dt$) is constant. Therefore we can infer that the acceleration is also constant.

Do we know a physical situation where this happens? Sure... a ball released from a height above ground will follow exactly that motion, with the constant acceleration being provided by gravity.

For what happens at $t = 1$ $s$ - The velocity of the ball goes from $-9$ $m/s$ to $9$ $m/s$ really quickly. This just means that the direction of the velocity changed, without changing the magnitude. This happens when a ball bounces off the ground, neglecting friction and other losses. So that's your system - A ball bouncing off the ground.

P.S - There's another way to see that this is a ball falling - Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. And we know that the acceleration due to Earth's gravity is ~ $9.8$ $m/s^2$ so in $1$ $s$ the velocity will be ~ $9.8$ $m/s$, which is roughly what the graph is showing here.