[Physics] Variation of peak current and peak voltage with capacitance in an AC circuit


The relation of peak current, peak voltage and capacitive reactance in alternating current is given by:


and $$X_c=\frac{1}{C\omega } \, .$$

So if we have a circuit with a capacitor and a bulb connected in series in an AC circuit, the bulb keeps glowing due the property of AC current. So if we reduce capacitance, $X_c$ increases.

So $i_m$ decreases (and $v_m$ stays constant), but if we rearrange the former equation can't we say that $v_m$ increases (and $i_m$ stays constant).

According to my text $i_m$ decreases (and $v_m$ stays constant). But how do we know that? Why can't it be the other way? Am I missing any concept?

Best Answer

I think that the problem here is that you haven't properly set up the circuit equations.

So if we have a circuit with a capacitor and a bulb connected in series in an AC circuit

Since the bulb and capacitor are series connected, the current through each is identical.

Denote the series current phasor as $I_s$. Assuming the source is an AC voltage source, it is true that the voltage across the source is constant.

But, by Kirchhoff's voltage law, we have

$$V_s = V_c + V_b$$

where the phasor voltages above are the source voltage, capacitor voltage and bulb voltage respectively.

By Ohm's law, we have

$$V_c = I_s \frac{1}{i\omega C}$$


$$V_b = I_s R_b $$


$$I_s = \frac{V_s}{R_b + \frac{1}{i\omega C}}$$

Then, holding $V_s$ constant, see that decreasing $C$ decreases $I_s$.