[Physics] Variation of Kinetic Energy


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Question: Which of the following graphs correctly describes the variation of kinetic energy with time of a block when it slides down a smooth inclined plane from rest?

The answer is C but I do not understand why. How do we know if the velocity increases as it slides down the inclined plane?

Best Answer

The conserved mechanical energy is:


where $h$ is the height of the body. As the body slides down due to the acceleration of gravity, the distance travelled would be $d=\tfrac{1}{2}a{{t}^{2}}$, where $a$ is the acceleration caused by the addition of the weight of the body and the vertical reaction force. If $L$ is the length of the inclined plane and $\theta $ the inclination angle, then:

$h=\left( L-d \right)\sin \theta =L\sin \theta -\tfrac{1}{2}a{{t}^{2}}\sin \theta $

Plugging this to the mechanical energy formula and rearranging the terms we get:


where $A=E-mgL\sin \theta $ and $B=\tfrac{1}{2}mga\sin \theta $. Since it is only the energy difference that is of physical importance, we can set the mechanical energy level such that $A=0$. So:


which is the equation for a convex parabola that crosses the origin.

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