[Physics] Vacuum freezing of water


In this technique Vacuum is created in the chamber and water is placed in the chamber. As the pressure decreases so the boiling point also decreases and water start boiling and evaporation starts. leaving behind the solid ice. My question is that how ice is made. Is it like that water takes energy to boil from itself, leaving behind the solid ice?

Best Answer

water takes energy to boil from itself, leaving behind the solid ice

Yes, that's essentially what happens. If it feels strange, remember that the process of evacuation is removing energy from the chamber.

Why this is so is easy to see in the traditional example of a moving wall (or a piston) increasing the volume of an adiabatic chamber: the gas in the chamber performs work on the wall, $$ W = \int F\,\mathrm{d}x = \int pA\, \mathrm{d}x= \int p\, \mathrm{d}V > 0\,\,\text{ (since $p>0$ and $V$ increases)},$$ i.e., the moving wall forces the gas to transfer energy to the environment, and it can only do so by cooling itself. EDIT: That's an equilibrium thermodynamics description that is not very relevant here. See bellow.

What is going on, considering the concrete case of a chamber, is:

  • initially there is air and some liquid water at room conditions (1);
  • the chamber is then evacuated and pressure drops below the boiling point;
  • the water looses energy through ebullition and evaporation, and freezes (2).

Water phase diagram

Original picture source: Cmglee, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=34865054

Some important points:

  • There is a cool Youtube video demonstrating this phenomenon.
  • That's an out-of-equilibrium process, so thermodynamical variables are at times undefined, and some common assumptions might be unjustified;
  • The drop of pressure in the chamber is not the drop experienced by the water, due to surface tension.
  • A big chamber (with respect to the amount of water) or the continuous removal of water vapor might be important for freezing to occur.
  • This nice answer to the question Water in vacuum (or space) and temperature in space provides some calculations, and qualitatively corroborates the reasoning above.