[Physics] Using rotation matrix for spin to write x oriented spin in z-spin basis

angular momentumhilbert-spacehomework-and-exercisesquantum mechanicsquantum-spin

$\newcommand{\ket}[1]{\left| #1 \right>}$The problem is to write the ket vector for a particle with
spin +1/2 along the x axis, in terms of the standard basis
vectors $\ket{+1/2}$ and $\ket{-1/2}$ along the z axis.

This page
gives the rotation matrix about y axis as:

\cos (\theta/2) & \sin(\theta/2)\\
-\sin (\theta/2) & \cos(\theta/2)
So I figure if I just rotate the vector $\left(\begin{smallmatrix} 1 \\0\end{smallmatrix} \right) $ 90 degrees
around the y axis, that will produce the answer. (Since
a z oriented vector rotated 90 degrees about the y axis
produces an x oriented vector).

But multiplying the above matrix by the vector $\left(\begin{smallmatrix} 1 \\0\end{smallmatrix} \right) $ gives $\left(\begin{smallmatrix} \cos(90^\circ/2) \\-\sin(90^\circ/2) \end{smallmatrix} \right) $

which is $$\begin{pmatrix} \cos(45^\circ) \\ -\sin(45^\circ)\end{pmatrix}
= \begin{pmatrix} 1/\sqrt2 \\ -1/\sqrt2\end{pmatrix} $$.

But the book says the answer is $\hbar/2 \cdot \ket{-1/2}$
which I believe is the same as $\hbar/2 \cdot \left(\begin{smallmatrix} 0 \\1\end{smallmatrix} \right) $ .
What is wrong?

Best Answer

Are you sure that's what the book is asking you to find?

$\hbar/2$ is the eigenvalue of the $S_{x}$ operator corresponding to spin up, but it is not part of the state vector. If the question is really asking you to express the $\mid S_{x};+\rangle$ ket in the $S_{z}$ basis, then you're nearly correct, just a minor sign error:

$$\mid S_{x};+\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\mid+\rangle + \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\mid-\rangle$$

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