[Physics] Unorthodox way of solving Einstein field equations


Usually when we solve field equations, we start with a stress energy tensor and then solve for the Einstein tensor and then eventually the metric. What if we specify a desired geometry first? That is, write down a metric and then solve for the resulting stress energy tensor?

Best Answer

You can certainly do this, and indeed it is regularly done. For example Alcubierre designed his FTL drive by starting with the metric he wanted and calculating the required stress-energy tensor. It is a straightforward calculation - it is somewhat tedious to do by hand but Mathematica would do the calculation in a few seconds.

The problem is that the resulting stress-energy tensor will almost always contain contributions from exotic matter, as indeed the Alcubierre stress-energy tensor does, and that means it won't be physically meaningful. The chances of solving the Einstein equation by guessing geometries and ending up with a physically meaningful stress-energy tensor are vanishingly small.

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