[Physics] Units in gravitational constant

dimensional analysisnewtonian-gravityphysical constantssi-units

I was reading on the internet and I found that the gravitational constant is roughly $6.674 \times 10^{-11}~\mathrm{ m^3~ kg^{-1} ~s^{-2}}.$ I also found that it is equal to $6.674\times 10^{−11}~\mathrm{ N\cdot m^2/kg^2}.$

First question: what does the first unit of measurement mean? $6.674 \times 10^{-11}$ meters cubed over kilograms over second squared? Is that referring to the acceleration per kilogram, in meters (velocity change) per second squared? If so, why meters cubed?

Second question: the second expression. I know that a newton times a meter is basically a newton exerted for one meter, but what does a newton times a meter squared mean? Does it mean that the newton of attraction is multiplied by the meter squared? What does the meter squared refer to – the distance between the objects? Why is the attraction in newton times meter squared over the kilogram squared? Please, can someone just explain the equation and why it is expressed in that way?

Also: if this is just a constant, why is it measured like this? Wouldn't a straight-out acceleration over kilogram (mass) work as well?

Best Answer

Well, the way to find the units of the constant are to consider the equation it takes part in:

$$ F = G\frac{m_1 m_2}{r^2} $$

$F$ is a force: so it's measured in newtons ($\operatorname{N}$). A newton is the force required to give a kilogram an acceleration of a metre per second per second: so, in SI units, its units are $\operatorname{kg}\operatorname{m}/\operatorname{s}^2$. $m_1$ and $m_2$ are masses: in SI units they are measured in kilograms, $\operatorname{kg}$, and $r$ is a length: it is measured in metres, $\operatorname{m}$.

So, again in SI units we can rewrite the above as something like

$$\phi \operatorname{N} = \phi \operatorname{kg} \operatorname{m}/\operatorname{s}^2 = G \frac{\mu_1 \mu_2}{\rho^2}\frac{\operatorname{kg}^2}{\operatorname{m}^2} $$

where $\phi$, $\mu_1$, $\mu_2$ and $\rho$ are pure numbers (they're the numerical values of the various quantities in SI units). So we need to get the dimensions of this to make sense, and just doing this it's immediately apparent that

$$G = \gamma \frac{\operatorname{m}^3}{\operatorname{kg} \operatorname{s}^2} $$

where $\gamma$ is a pure number, and is the numerical value of $G$ in SI units.

Alternatively if we put newtons back on the LHS we get

$$G = \gamma \frac{\operatorname{N} \operatorname{m}^2}{\operatorname{kg^2}} $$

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