[Physics] Understanding Mach’s principle: What does it answer


What is the question that Mach tried to address in his principle? I mean, we know how to detect the inertial and non-inertial frames (by Newton’s law). Once this is understood we also see that due to the acceleration of a non-inertial frame pseudo forces appear. Since there is no privileged inertial frame the acceleration of a non-inertial frame is quite unique i.e., one and the same with respect to every inertial frame. Right? So what extra does the Mach’s principle try to answer? I’m a little confused.

EDIT : I have read that Newtonian theory doesn't attempt to answer the question that what is the physical origin of pseudo forces but Mach's principle does (see "Introducing Einstein's Relativity" by Ray D'Inverno). I thought this is due to the acceleration of the frame itself. I think what Mach meant is that local inertial frames are determined by global mass distribution in the universe. And if that mass distribution changes then the local inertial frame changes to a non-inertial one and gives rise to pseudo forces. I don't know but this is the impression I have. I may be totally wrong.

Next I also wanted to ask is it really essential to understand Mach's principle or Newton's bucket experiment to understand general relativity? Is the idea/definition of frames based on Newton's law insufficient to understand frames in general relativity?

Best Answer

What is the question that Mach tried to address in his principle?

Mach's principle isn't as clear as people suggest, but IMHO what it tries to address is inertia. Resistance to change-in-motion.

I mean, we know how to detect the inertial and non-inertial frames (by Newton’s law).

I "root for relativity", but I have to say this: an inertial frame isn't some actual thing that has an objective existence. The universe exists, you exist, the Earth exists. But an inertial reference frame is little more than a steady state of motion, and a non-inertial frame is little more than a changing state of motion.

Once this is understood we also see that due to the acceleration of a non-inertial frame pseudo forces appear.

Yes, fire your boosters and you're pressed back into your seat. Because of your inertia, and because of your changing state of motion. But in truth your seat is pushing into your back.

Since there is no privileged inertial frame the acceleration of a non-inertial frame is quite unique i.e., one and the same with respect to every inertial frame. Right?

There is a privileged frame of sorts, which is the CMB rest frame, see this question. It isn't an absolute frame in the strict sense, but you can use it to gauge your motion with respect to the universe, and the universe is as absolute as it gets.

So what extra does the Mach’s principle try to answer? I’m a little confused.

Like CuriousOne said, you're right to be confused. Because Mach's principle is contradicted by E=mc². Inertia doesn't depend on distant rotating stars, it depends on local physics here and now. A photon has energy E=hf and momentum p=hf/c. These are two measures of resistance to change-in-motion for a wave travelling linearly through space at c. You divide by c to go from one to the other. Then remember the wave nature of matter: when you trap that wave in a mirror-box, it increases the inertia of the system. Because mass is a measure of energy-content, like Einstein said, and you divide by c again to say how much mass there is. But all it really is, is resistance to change-in-motion for a wave going round and round at c. Open the box, and it's a radiating body that loses mass. That radiation "conveys inertia between the emitting and absorbing bodies". Catch it in another mirror-box, and you increase the mass of that system. Having said all that, check out this article where Mark Hadley says large-scale rotation could be the cause of CP violation. It isn't quite Mach's principle as we normally understand it, but it relates to what's in the Wikipedia article, and IMHO is very interesting.

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