[Physics] Understanding group velocity


Group velocity as a concept in Classical Waves confuse me. It's very easy to point out visually, like in this really helpful graphic here. Okay, it's the speed of the moving bulge, which, notably moves opposite to the phase velocity.

I see what it looks like quite clearly, but there are key things about it I still don't understand.

  1. What are situations where the graphic shown can describe a physical thing? What kind of waves have this property and why is it useful?

  2. Mathematically, group velocity is described as $$v_{g} = \frac{d \omega}{dk}$$

Or perhaps more loosely, the rate of change of angular frequency as a function of wavenumber. However, there is no correlation in my mind between the graphic and this equation. How can I relate my intuition to the mathematics?

Best Answer

With a continuous wave you cannot transmit a signal. For a signal to be transmitted, you need a modulation of the wave, e.g. amplitude modulation. For example, to transmit acoustic frequencies (speech), you modulate the high frequency electromagnetic carrier wave (on the order of MHz for medium wave transmitters) with the acoustic frequencies(up to 20kHz). This modulation produces small variations called side-bands (plus and minus 20kHz) in the transmitted waves. The group velocity of a wave describes the velocity with which such modulation of the carrier amplitude, which transmits the signal, propagates. In free space, the group velocity of an EM wave is identical to the phase velocity $c$ because the dispersion is linear $\omega=c k$. Thus also a pulse shaped modulation propagates with unchanged form. On transmission lines, there can be significant nonlinear dispersion, i.e. the phase velocity $v_{ph}= \frac {\omega}{k}$ for different frequencies is not constant and, in general, different from the group velocity $v_{gr}=\frac {\partial \omega}{\partial k}$. This leads to a loss of shape of a pulse-like modulation of the carrier wave. However, the propagation speed of such a pulse modulation can still be obtained from the group velocity.

That the group velocity is opposite to the phase velocity happens only in systems with special nonlinear dispersion relations.