Electromagnetism – Understanding the Dispersion Relation in Optics


I am trying to understand the physical meaning of the dispersion relation. Is it how inhomogeneous a media is ? Or how much the electromagnetic fields spread in the media? Or ?

Best Answer

A dispersion relation tells you how the frequency $\omega$ of a wave depends on its wavelength $\lambda$--however, it's mathematically better to use the inverse wavelength, or wavenumber $k = 2\pi/\lambda $ when writing equations because the phase velocity is

$v_{\rm phase}\ \ = \omega / k$

and the group velocity is

$v_{\rm group}\ \ = d\omega/dk$.

These apply to all types of waves. Regarding electromagnetic waves in vacuum:

$ \omega(k) = ck $

so that

$v_{\rm phase} \ \ = v_{\rm group} \ \ = c$.

The waves are dispersionless. In a medium, even a homogeneous medium, such as glass, the index of refraction increases with frequency (in the visible, of course) so that light is dispersed by color.

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