[Physics] Uncertainty principle and the speed of light


If an EM wave only gives us a probability of where a photon may be at a given moment, and the HUP tells us that we can't know the exact location of the photon. Then would it be correct to say that a photon does not travel in a straight line?

If this is true, wouldn't the photon's crooked path mean that it must travel faster than $c$ for us to measure its straight line speed at $c$?

Here's a comparison to explain my question further: If two sprinters run a 100 yard dash in 10 seconds, but one sprinter is required to run in a zigzag manner wouldn't that runner need to run faster than the straight line sprinter for both runners to run the race in 10 seconds.
Does the crooked traveling photon need to exceed $c$ for us to measure its straight line speed at $c$?

Best Answer

Your crooked path argument holds for a classical electromagnetic wave going through a medium. That is why the speed of light in a medium can be less than c, the speed of light in vacuum. At the photon level it is that photons effectively go a larger distance at velocity c, as they interact individually with the lattice of the material, and a lower group velocity is measured.

In vacuum there are no interactions for the photon, which is a point particle, and its velocity is c and the same is true for the light beam. The Heisenberg uncertainty does not enter.

The validation of this is the validation of the special theory of relativity which has been tested by the myriads of experiments in physics.

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