[Physics] Tricks for evaluating tensor contractions with Levi-Civita symbol


I am trying to evaluate the Lorentz invariant $\epsilon^{\alpha\beta\gamma\delta}F_{\alpha\beta}F_{\gamma\delta}$, where $F_{\mu\nu}$ is the electromagnetic field tensor,
F_{\mu\nu} = \begin{bmatrix}0 & E^1 & E^2 & E^3\\-E^1 & 0 & -B^3 & B^2\\-E^2 & B^3 & 0 & -B^1\\-E^3 & -B^2 & B^1 & 0\end{bmatrix}
and $\epsilon^{\alpha\beta\gamma\delta}$ is the Levi-Civita symbol. I am wondering if there is an efficient way of evaluating this contraction. I know that only permutations of ${1,2,3,4}$ are nonzero because of the Levi-Civita symbol (which means that only the non-zero entries of $F_{\mu\nu}$ will appear), but from there I am left with writing out the 24 permutations of those four numbers, giving me 24 (very simple) terms to evaluate. I have no problem with performing this algebra, but is there a shortcut?

I suppose that since $F$ is anti-symmetric, I could cut the number of terms in half.

Best Answer

Don't use indices. Use a sophisticated and efficient notation for tensor manipulations: through clifford algebra.

Let $\gamma^0, \gamma^1, \gamma^2, \gamma^3$ be basis vectors. Under the clifford product operation, they obey the following:

$$\gamma^\mu \gamma^\nu = \begin{cases}\eta^{\mu \nu} & \mu = \nu \\ -\gamma^\mu \gamma^\nu & \mu \neq \nu\end{cases}$$

The product operation is also associative.

Write $E$ and $B$ in terms of $\gamma^1, \gamma^2, \gamma^3$ as you would write any vectors: $E = E_x \gamma^1 + \ldots$ for instance. Then $F$ can be written

$$F = \gamma^0 E - \gamma^1 \gamma^2 \gamma^3 B$$

Define $\epsilon = -\gamma^0 \gamma^1 \gamma^2 \gamma^3$. Then the tensor equation $\epsilon^{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} F_{\alpha \beta} F_{\gamma \delta}$ can be written

$$\epsilon^{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} F_{\alpha \beta} F_{\gamma \delta} = \langle \epsilon FF\rangle_0$$

The brackets denote that we're looking for the scalar part of this expression. This is equivalent to $\epsilon \langle FF \rangle_4 = \epsilon (F \wedge F)$ in the common shorthand.

Now we can use the associativity of the product to our advantage. For brevity, let $i = \gamma^1 \gamma^2 \gamma^3$, such that $\gamma^0 i = \epsilon$, and see that

$$\langle \epsilon FF \rangle_0 = \langle \epsilon (\gamma^0 E - iB)(\gamma^0 E - iB) \rangle_0$$

Multiply out the terms:

$$\langle \epsilon FF \rangle_0 = \langle \epsilon (\gamma^0 E \gamma^0 E -\gamma^0 E iB - iB \gamma^0 E + iBiB )\rangle_0$$

Use the properties of the product to deduce that $E\gamma^0 = -\gamma^0 E$, $\gamma^0 B = -B \gamma^0$, $Ei = iE$ and $iB = Bi$, and $ii = 1$. The result reduces to

$$\langle \epsilon FF \rangle_0 = \langle \epsilon (-EE - 2 \epsilon EB + BB) \rangle_0$$

Finally, deduce that $\epsilon \epsilon = -1$, $EE = -|E|^2$ and $BB = -|B|^2$ to get

$$\langle \epsilon FF \rangle_0 = \langle \epsilon (|E|^2 - |B|^2) + 2 E \cdot B \rangle_0$$

The only term that survives the angled brackets is the $2 E \cdot B$ term. Of course, staring us right in the face is the other well-known invariant, $E^2 - B^2$. That is one advantage of this method: both invariants can be derived from the same approach, and at the same time. Moreover, we never have to break into components to evaluate the expression. We merely use the commutation properties of basis elements in the clifford algebra--an algebra already widely used in quantum mechanics.