[Physics] Transformers & Laminating the Core


I was completing a question for homework and I don't really understand the answer. The question says that when a core goes from being laminated to unlaminated the voltage across the secondary coil goes down and it asks to explain why. The only thing I could think of was heat loss due to eddy currents. However, although this was mentioned in the answer it also said the following:

eddy current create magnetic flux
This flux opposes flux from primary coil
Max flux from primary coil is reduced
Max rate of change of flux reduced so emf across secondary is reduced.

Thinking about this I don't understand how the back emf works. Take this as an example. Consider a power station is putting out a certain amount of power – call it 100 (arbitrary units) then the power at the primary is 100. Let us ignore the heat loss from eddy currents which will mean that the power at the secondary is also 100. However, even if you could eliminate heat loss from eddy current (e.g. superconductor) surely they would still create a back emf which would reduce the flux from the primary and hence reduce the emf at the secondary which would mean the power is NOT 100. So where would the missing energy go?

Best Answer

You obviously understand the loss of energy if you have eddy currents in a core which has resistance - you get Ohmic $I^2R$ heating.

A changing current in the primary produces a changing magnetic field in the core.
This changing magnetic field produces a changing magnetic flux through the secondary coil.
The changing magnetic flux through the secondary coil induces an emf in the secondary coil - Faraday's Law.

The changing magnetic flux through the core also induces an emf in the core itself.
If the core was made of an insulator that induced emf produced in the core would not matter because there would not be an induced current.

If the core has resistance then an induced (eddy) current will flow.
Lenz's law tells you that the induced current will always try and oppose the change which is producing it.
This is how it happens.

If the magnetic field in the core is increasing then the induced (eddy) current will produce a magnetic field in the opposite direction to that of the increasing magnetic field.
This decreases the rate of change of magnetic field in the core which in turn decreases the rate of change of magnetic flux in the secondary coil which in turn reduces the induced emf in the secondary coil.

There is a similar result of a reduced induced emf in the secondary coil when the magnetic field in the core is decreasing.
Then the magnetic field due to the induced (eddy) current will be in the same direction as the decreasing magnetic field and thus reduce the rate at which that magnetic field is decreasing.

The larger the induced (eddy) current the larger the opposition to the change producing it and so the smaller is the induced emf in the secondary coil.

To reduce this effect one must reduce the magnitude of the eddy currents and this is done by increasing the electrical resistance of the core by laminating (layering) the core.
The core is made of thin sheets of iron separated by thin sheets of an insulating material.

enter image description here

This also at the same time reduces the Ohmic heating within the core.

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