[Physics] Transfer of heat through a finite temprature difference


Consider the following derivation
There are two reservoirs at temp A & B at temp T1 & T2 .They are connected by a metal rod such that T1 > T2. Q amonut of heat is transfered from T1 to T2.
For reservoir A
entropy change dS=-Q/T1
For reservoir B
entropy change dS=+Q/T2
The net entropy change=-Q/T1 + Q/T2
The above derivation is extracted from "Engineering Thermodynamics" By P.K Nag..But it is also stated that for a heat transfer through a finite temp difference the entropy change > dQ/T..Then how is the entropy change in above process calculated..I am aware of the fact that in a irreversible process we imagine a reversible path between the initial and final state and hence entropy is caculated. But I don't see how that pricipal is applied here..can anyone help me?

Best Answer

In your case, heat conduction is considered to be quasi-static for the subsystems. Let $\Delta Q$ be positive number, energy transferred as heat. Then, change of entropy $S_2$ of the subsystem 2 is $\Delta Q/T_2$, change of entropy $S_1$ of the subsystem 1 is $-\Delta Q/T_1$. For the whole system containing both subsystems, the change of entropy is

$$ \Delta S = \frac{\Delta Q}{T_2} + \frac{- \Delta Q}{T_1}. $$

This is greater than 0, so $\Delta S > 0$. This is consistent with the fact that even quasi-static heat conduction, if it is across finite temp difference, is a non-equilibrium process.

But it is also stated that for a heat transfer through a finite temp difference the entropy change > dQ/T

There is single $T$ in that statement. This is meant to be temperature of reservoir the system is connected to.

We can apply it, say, for subsystem 2. The temperature of the reservoir connected is $T_1$ (there are no other systems considered). The statement then reads

$$ \Delta S_2 \geq \frac{\Delta Q}{T_1}. $$ So $\Delta S_2 = \Delta Q/T_2$ and the above non-equality hold at the same time, because different temperatures are to be used.