[Physics] Torque on accelerating tire


So I have a problem understanding the torques on a tire as it accelerates from rest. Suppose I have a tire with mass $m = 10kg$, radius $r = 0.5m$ and I apply torque with magnitude $\tau = 30Nm$ to its axis. The force with which the tire pushes on the ground should be equal to $\tau / r$, so 60N. The maximum friction force $F_{f(max)} = \mu m g = 78.4N$, where $\mu = 0.8$ and $g = 9.8m/s^2$
so the force from the tire doesn't exceed the maximum friction force. And that means it won't slip. According to Newton's third law, the force produced by the tire is counteracted by an equal in magnitude and opposite in direction friction force $F_f = -F = 60N$. That friction creates torque about the axis of rotation which is in opposite direction to the torque I started with and has magnitude $\tau_f = F_f r = 30Nm$ so they should completely cancel out, leaving 0 net torque on the tire and that means it won't rotate. I must be wrong somewhere because the tire will obviously accelerate when a torque is applied to it. I've read somewhere that some of the torque goes for the angular acceleration of the tire and not all of it produces the force at the bottom of the tire. Is that in any way correct?

Any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

I apply torque with magnitude 𝜏=30Nm to its axis.


The force with which the tire pushes on the ground should be equal to 𝜏/𝑟, so 60N.

If the wheel were massless, that would be true. 100% of the torque from the engine would be "delivered" to the ground. But the wheel is not massless. Some of the torque is instead going into accelerating the wheel.

Using the sum of torques formula:

$$\tau_{net} = I\alpha$$

If the wheels rotation is accelerating, then there must be a non-zero net torque. Therefore the torque from the axle and the torque from the ground cannot be equal.

There is a force pair where the force from the tire on the ground is exactly equal to the force from the ground on the tire. But when examined as a torque, these will be less than the torque from the engine.

One way to think about this is the linear example of pushing two blocks forward. You push on A, and A pushes on B. If A is massless, B is pushed with an equal magnitude force.

But the more mass A has, the smaller the force A pushes on B. In your car scenario, the larger the moment of inertia of the wheel, the smaller the torque that the ground creates.

And that would mean that if the wheel were massless, then the torque would be zero and it would not roll, right?

No. A massless wheel can roll or accelerate. It just cannot have any net torque applied. Any torque placed on it must be countered by an equal torque elsewhere. It's an ideal limit.

But is there a way to precisely calculate the force at the bottom from engine torque apart from the formula for net torque?

You have to solve simultaneous equations for the system. You know the moment of inertia for the wheel, and you know the mass of the car.

The torque by the ground on the wheel will be an amount between zero and the engine torque, and that allows the wheel acceleration to match the vehicle acceleration.

If the torque is too high, the vehicle moves faster than the wheel turns. If the torque is too low, the wheel spins faster than the vehicle moves.

$$\alpha = \frac{a}{t}$$ $$F_{road} = ma$$ $$\tau_{engine} - (F_{road} \times r) = I\alpha$$