[Physics] Torque, Angular Acceleration and Linear Acceleration


We know that we torque is applied, it cause an angular acceleration in the rotating body similar to what a force does to a body moving on a straight line.

But my question is, Does Torque affect the linear acceleration of the rotating body along with the angular acceleration?

We know from the formula that

Angular Acceleration = Perpendicular dist. × Linear Acceleration

Torque = Perpendicular Distance × Force

So can it be said that the body gets a linear acceleration as well?

(Consider gravity free situation, single force (i.e only that force which causes torque) and no friction.)

Best Answer

But my question is, Does Torque affect the linear acceleration of the rotating body along with the angular acceleration?

Although the applied force always stays perpendicular to the vector , at each instant there is a net force acting on the body and therefore there will always be some translational motion and acceleration. See left diagram below.

The only sure way to have only rotation without translation is to a apply pure force couple (two equal and opposite parallel forces). It will induce pure rotation without translation. See right diagram. Hope this helps.

Hope this helps.

enter image description here

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