[Physics] To what extent is standard quantum mechanics actually non-relativistic

quantum mechanicsquantum-field-theoryschroedinger equationsecond-quantizationspecial-relativity

I often hear that while QFT is a relativistic theory, standard quantum mechanics is not. But fields aren't inherently relativistic, you can easily construct non-relativistic QFTs, a relativistic QFT is one with a Lorentz invariant Lagrangian.

In the same way, it doesn't seem to me that there is anything inherently non-relativistic about the standard description of quantum mechanics, and that the actual non-relativistic part is the Schrödinger equation.
As a matter of fact if we substitute the Schrödinger equation axiom with dynamics described purely by quantum channels, with the only requirement that an evolved quantum state is still a quantum state and that the theory is linear, we do recover some statements that resemble locality in the Lorentz sense, like the no communication theorem.

Are fields necessary to obtain a relativistic theory? To what extent is standard QM non-relativistic? If QM is inherently non-relativistic even without the Galilean dynamics given by the Schrödinger equation, why should one care about non-locality in Bell inequalities and "spooky action at a distance"? Those would be expected in a non-relativistic theory, just like the gravitation of the Sun on the Earth is spooky action at a distance in Newtonian gravity.

Best Answer

the actual non-relativistic part is the Schrödinger equation

Indeed. Hence, people tried to come up with a Lorentz-invariant evolution equation for the wave function such as the Klein-Gordan and Dirac equations (as mentioned by anna v). However, interpretation of solutions of these equations as probability densities are problematic (in case of the Klein-Gordon equation, the predicted probabilities won't be positive definite - though the Dirac equation 'fixes' this particular problem).

We've come to realize that these equations are not to be understood as evolution equations for the quantum state, but in the sense of quantum field theory, where (in the Schrödinger picture), their (classical) solutions correspond to the configurations of the system (ie the equivalent of positions in single-particle QM), with states being wave-functionals on that solution space.