[Physics] To what extent are quantities fundamental


Arguably the most well-known and used system of units is the SI-system. It assigns seven units to seven ‘fundamental’ quantities (or dimensions). However, there are other possible options, such as Gaussian units or Planck units. Until recently, I thought that these different systems differed only in scale, e.g. inches and metres are different units, but they both measure length. Recently though, I discovered that it is not simply a matter of scale. In the Gaussian system for example, charge has dimensions of $[mass]^{1/2} [length]^{3/2} [time]^{−1}$, whereas in the SI-system it has dimensions of $[current] [time]$. Also, I have always found it a bit strange that mass and energy have different units even though they are equivalent, but I find it hard to grasp that a quantity can be ‘fundamental’ in one system, and not in an other system.

Does this mean that all ‘fundamental’ quantities are in fact arbitrary? Would it be possible to declare a derived SI-unit fundamental, and build a consistent system with more base units? What is the physical meaning of this?

Best Answer

The key difference is the $ \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0} $, with $ \epsilon_0 $ in the SI formulation of charge, being vaccuum permittivity with units $ (charge)^2(time)^2 (mass)^{−1}(length)^{−3} $. This satisfies the unit cancellation, and in the SI system makes the electric constant $ \mu_0 $ and $ \epsilon_0 $ now derived units. (See Vacuum Permittivity or SI Unit Redefinition)

For example, Coulomb's law in Gaussian units appears simple:

Gaussian Formula

where F is the repulsive force between two electrical charges, Q1 and Q2 are the two charges in question, and r is the distance separating them. If Q1 and Q2 are expressed in statC and r in cm, then F will come out expressed in dyne. By contrast, the same law in SI units is:

SI Formula

where $ \epsilon_0 $ is the vacuum permitivity, a quantity with dimension, namely (charge)2 (time)2 (mass)−1 (length)−3. Without $ \epsilon_0 $ , the two sides could not have consistent dimensions in SI, and in fact the quantity $ \epsilon_0 $ does not even exist in Gaussian units. This is an example of how some dimensional physical constants can be eliminated from the expressions of physical law simply by the judicious choice of units. In SI, $ \frac{1}{\epsilon_0} $, converts or scales flux density, D, to electric field, E (the latter has dimension of force per charge), while in rationalized Gaussian units, flux density is the very same as electric field in free space, not just a scaled copy. Since the unit of charge is built out of mechanical units (mass, length, time), the relation between mechanical units and electromagnetic phenomena is clearer in Gaussian units than in SI. In particular, in Gaussian units, the speed of light $c$ shows up directly in electromagnetic formulas like Maxwell's equations (see below), whereas in SI it only shows up implicitly via the relation .

- Wikipedia: Gaussian Units

Yes, I would argue that 'fundamental quantities' are indeed arbitrary, as are many of our choices, such as base-10 number systems. This is illustrated well on the Golden Record we put on voyager spacecraft, for decoding by other intelligent life; we show how fast to spin the record by relating time units in the fundamental transition of the hydrogen atom:

Golden Record Instructions

I'd then add that we have tried to make them as least-arbitrary (to us) as possible, but there's no reason that some other intellegence would have different 'fundamental unit' definitions and scalings, or whatever 'arbitrary' units they came up with. We could use $ (time)^{-1} $ or 'period' as our fundamental timing unit, and change all the other derived units to follow, if we wanted.