Forces – To Lift an Object, Does the Required Force Equal Its Weight or Greater? Insights from Newtonian Mechanics


We have all heard people saying that to lift an object of mass $m$, you have to apply a force $F$ equal to its weight $mg$. But isn't it getting the force equal to its weight from the surface to which it is attached to (normal force). Why it is willing to change that equilibrium state by getting the same force from us as from the surface? (Consider the situation devoid of any resistance) . I think we must be applying slightly more force to it in order to move it even with constant velocity at least at the start and balancing the force of gravity afterwards.

Best Answer

There are two points to be clarified here.

  • The normal reaction force from the surface is a self-adjusting force. In particular, it can take any value so as to prevent the object in contact from penetrating. So, if an object resting on a surface has a weight $w$ then the normal reaction force would be $w$ in the upward direction. Now, if you apply an external upward force on the object (with your hand, say) of a magnitude $w/2$ then the normal reaction force from the surface would change its value to $w/2$. Now, if you apply an external force of a magnitude $w$ in the upward direction then the normal reaction force from the surface would reduce to zero.
  • However, as you correctly notice, when the upward external force is exactly the same as the weight in magnitude, the object is still in perfect equilibrium. And since the initial velocity of it was zero, its velocity would still remain zero because equilibrium means no acceleration. So, there would be no movement. So, in order to actually lift the object, you do need to provide an upward force which is at least slightly greater than the weight of the object. Once you apply such a force even for a tiny amount of time, the object would pick up an upward velocity because it would have been subjected to an upward acceleration for that tiny amount of time. Once this is accomplished, you can reduce the magnitude of the upward force to be exactly the same as the magnitude of weight and the object will continue to move in the upward direction, in equilibrium, but now, with a constant velocity (that it picked up during that tiny amount of time of acceleration).
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