[Physics] Time-reversal symmetry

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For a quantum system with time-reversal symmetry, other than the absence of a magnetic field, can we infer anything else about the system?

Best Answer

We can infer some general topological properties of the system for special cases. This has been used in the recent "trending topic" of condensed matter physics, topological insulators. For simplicity, I will restrict myself in the following to $2\text{D}$ systems although one can generalize everything to $3\text{D}$.

The time-reversal operator is an antiunitary operator that admits the following representation:

$\hat{\Theta} = \exp \left(i\pi\hat{S}_y/\hbar \right)K$

where $K$ means complex conjugation and $\hat{S}_y$ is the spin operator along the $\hat{y}$ axis. Consider a fermionic Hamiltonian for spin $s=1/2$ electrons. Then

$\hat{\Theta} =-\hat{1}$ [*]

In this case, Kramers theorem applies:

Let $\hat{\mathcal{H}}$ be a $T$-invariant (fermionic) Hamiltonian. Then, all the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian are twofold degenerate.

The proof of this statement is simple once you have understood [*]. As a consequence, $T$-invariant fermionic systems must have topologically protected twofold degenerate states. The $T$-invariant Hamiltonian satisfies

$ \hat{\Theta}\hat{\mathcal{H}} (\mathbf{k}) =\hat{\mathcal{H}} (-\mathbf{k}) \hat{\Theta}$

and can be classified by a new topological index, called the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ index. The $\mathbb{Z}_2$ index, $\nu$, is an integer given by the number of edge states modulo $2$ and distinguishes the $\nu = 0$ or insulating phase from the $\nu = 1$, the topological insulator. Thus, the equivalence classes of $T$-invariant Hamiltonians for insulators can be classified by its $n = 0$ Thouless-Kohmoto-Nightingaleden Nijs invariant [i.e. its $C=0$, first Chern index] and the additional index $\nu$. This gives a $\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry for the $2\text{D}$ band structures.

After all, what can we infer from the Hamiltonian? For example, that we have time reversal invariant electronic states with a bulk electronic band gap that supports the transport of charge and spin in gapless edge states. This is exactly what we get in the so-called quantum spin Hall phase.