[Physics] Time period of a rigid rod pendulum has same value at two different point of suspension, why


While solving the problem of the rigid rod pendulum I figured out that when the point of suspension is at the end of the rod and and at $x = \frac{l}{3}$ from same end, time period of oscillation has same value.

I don't get it why does it actually have same value, as the length decreases the time period must increase. Because at COM time period is $\infty$, so why it decrease and then increases? I don't understand it physically.

Best Answer

For any rigid pendulum the angular frequency is given by:

$$ \omega = \sqrt{\frac{mgx}{I}} $$

where $m$ is the centre of mass of the rigid object and $x$ is the distance of the pivot from the centre of mass. Suppose we start with the pivot passing through the centre of mass, i.e. $x=0$, then obviously the angular frequency is zero (the period is infinite).

As we move the pivot away from the centre of mass two things happen:

  1. the value of $mgx$ increases because $x$ increases

  2. the moment of inertia $I$ increases as described by the parallel axis theorem

Since the frequency is proportional to the ratio of these two, $\sqrt{mgx/I}$, how the frequency changes depends on how the two quantities change.

If the moment of inertia about an axis through the centre of mass is $I_0$ then the parallel axis theorem tells us the the moment of inertia about an axis a distance $x$ from the centre of mass is:

$$ I(x) = I_0 + mx^2 $$

and we can substitute this in our equation for the angular frequency to get:

$$ \omega(x) = \sqrt{\frac{mgx}{I_0 + mx^2}} $$

Now consider the limits where $x$ is very small and $x$ is very large. For small $x$ we have $I_0 \gg mx^2$ so the frequency is approximately:

$$ \omega(x) = \sqrt{\frac{mgx}{I_0}} \propto x $$

So as we increase $x$ away from zero the frequency increases linearly with $x$. However for large $x$ we have $I_0 \ll mx^2$ so the frequency is approximately:

$$ \omega(x) = \sqrt{\frac{mgx}{mx^2}} \propto \frac{1}{x} $$

So as $x$ gets large the frequency decreases with increasing $x$.

The end result is that as we move the axis away from the centre of mass the angular frequency increases at first, but then reaches a maximum and for large $x$ it starts decreasing again. And this is what you are seeing in your calculation. If you put in the value of $I_0$ for a rigid rod of length $2\ell$:

$$ I_0 = \frac{m(2\ell)^2}{12} $$

Then you'll find $\omega(x)$ looks like:


So there value of $\omega(x)$ is indeed the same one third of the way along as it is at the end of the rod.

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