[Physics] Time dilation at zero velocity (and zero gravity)


From what I've learned, the more an object travels closer and closer to the speed of light, the more time will slow down for that object.. at least from an outside perspective..

It was shown that atomic clocks run slower in high speed orbit than clocks on earth.. I assume that the rate of radioactive decay (for example) is also slowed down at high speeds (correct me at any time, please).

We are moving through space right now at 760 miles per second (0.40771% the speed of light), which I can only assume is our current "cosmic clock", which also regulates how fast radioactive decay happens on earth (if we continue with that example).

When an astronaut is traveling at high velocity, his/her velocity is being added to the overall velocity of our galaxy moving through space, right?

So my question is this:

What will happen if an object were to stay completely stationary in space-time? Far away from any galaxy.. Will time go infinitely fast for that object? Will it instantly decay?

Since space is expanding, I realize you can't really stay "stationary".. but I mean: not having velocity of moving through space.

Thanks 🙂

Best Answer

You're messing up with simple time dilation. Time intervals are relative quantities. Two observers may not be agree with measured time intervals of an event. You see other moving observer's time dilated. Also, you see other observer's time dilated if she is deep in Gravity well than you are. Meaning, you find other observer's measured time interval more than your own measurement result of the same event. That's it.

Now, come to Radioactive decay: You measured half-life of a substance on Earth. Another observer who is independent of motion of Earth etc and far from any Gravity well (the notion of stationary is irrelevant), would find your measured half-life more than hers.

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