[Physics] the total velocity/force on a particle in fluid

fluid dynamicsparticle-physics

I am now facing a fluid-particle interaction problem. I would like to simulate particle motion in a fluid.

I do know the external force acting on a particle (dielectrophoretic force in this case) and gravity and buoyancy forces. The assumption is the particle reaches its terminal velocity in zero time.

The thing I am not really sure about is the drag force. My particle is surrounded by fluid of certain viscosity and density. The problem is the "velocity field", if I can describe it in this way, is not isotropic – the fluid velocity might have (and has) different magnitude as well as orientation on different sides of the particle. (My problem is 2D only.)

The question I am asking is how can I add the velocities around the particle to get the total drag force affecting the particle in a physically correct way?

Thank you


edit 1: Clarification. I only have one particle in the fluid and the fluid itself is already moving which causes the particle to move according to the drag force affecting it. I am aware of Brownian motion, but I have neglected it for now. The particle is significantly larger than water molecules, so I take water as a bulk and the particle as some sort of object which is moving through the bulk.

edit 2: Picture.
I have made a simple drawing of my problem. The particle is significantly larger than the water molecules. The flow in the fluid is anisotropic. My question is how can I determine the final velocity = the final drag force. In another words where exactly would my particle move in next "time step"?

Simple drawing of the problem

Best Answer

If you are modeling the surrounding fluid as a continuum (which you seem to be), then you can determine the drag force on the particle by integrating the tractions on the particle surface over the surface itself, or equivalently integrating the divergence of the fluid's stress field inside of the particle domain by virtue of Gauss's theorem;

$$\vec{F}_{drag} = \oint_{\partial \Omega} \bar{\bar{\sigma}} \cdot d\vec{a} = \int_{\Omega} \nabla \cdot \bar{\bar{\sigma}}\ dV$$

where the fluid stress tensor $\bar{\bar{\sigma}}$ is a constitutive function of $\nabla \vec{v}$ and other relevant variables in your problem (viscosity $\mu$, temperature $T$, etc.)

For a Newtonian fluid, the standard constitutive relationship applies, but if you're working with something a little bit more exotic like blood (which I'm betting could be the case since you're doing DEP), that relationship is different and your drag will be different than what you may expect from, say, Stokes's law.

In short, find what the flow field of your fluid is (with the particle in it), calculate the stress field using the appropriate constitutive relation for your fluid, and then calculate the integral above to obtain the drag force. You can do a sanity check by making sure your result is in the same ballpark as Stokes's law, which it should be barring the situation where you are working with a truly pathological fluid.

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