Electromagnetism – The Signature of the Metric and the Definition of the Electromagnetic Tensor


I've read the definition of the electromagnetic field tensor to be
in Introduction to Electrodynamics by David Griffiths, or as
on the Lecture Notes on GR by Sean Carroll, which I know to be consistent via ${F_{\mu\nu}=\eta_{\mu\alpha}F^{\alpha\beta}\eta_{\beta\nu}}$ where the metric $\eta_{\rho\sigma}$ has a $(-+++)$ signature.

However on Wikipedia and other sources (sorry I can't remember) they use a $(+—)$ signature and they define the EM tensor to be the negative of ${(*)}$.

These are my thoughts about it:
The antisymmetry $F^{\mu\nu}=-F^{\nu\mu}$ may point out that it's just an unfortunate mix of index letters and that for the sources notation to be consistent, either the first two or Wikipedia should change $\mu\nu$ to $\nu\mu$. If not the case, the properties seem to be the same; at first I thought the inner product would pop out a minus sign of difference, but it of course didn't happen, and as for other entities I've worked with, e. g. the 4-velocity, though the metric signature can change, the contravariant vector is the same in either case. However again, I've read the stress-energy tensor does change sign depending on the signature.

So is the signature of the metric involved in the definition of ${F^{\mu\nu}}$ or any tensor whatsoever? If so, how can I know what signature is involved? or if not, what's the matter with the minus sign difference on the definitions?

Best Answer

Let $$ \eta_{\mu\nu}={\rm diag}(+1,-1,-1,-1) \qquad \bar\eta_{\mu\nu}={\rm diag}(-1,+1,+1,+1) $$ with corresponding Lorentz force laws (in units where mass equals charge) $$ \ddot x^\mu=\eta_{\nu\lambda}F^{\mu\nu}\dot x^\lambda \qquad \ddot{\bar x}^\mu=\bar\eta_{\nu\lambda}\bar F^{\mu\nu}\dot{\bar x}^\lambda $$

As the trajectories $x^\mu, \bar x^\mu$ should agree (and so will all its derivatives) for all initial conditions, we can equate the terms $$ \tag{1} \eta_{\nu\lambda}F^{\mu\nu} = \bar\eta_{\nu\lambda}\bar F^{\mu\nu} $$ Contracting with the inverse $\eta^{\lambda\sigma}$ of $\eta_{\nu\lambda}$ finally yields $$ F^{\mu\sigma} = -\bar F^{\mu\sigma} $$ as $$ \bar\eta_{\nu\lambda}\eta^{\lambda\sigma} = -\delta_\nu^{\sigma} $$ This means the signs of the components of the electromagnetic tensor $F^{\mu\nu}$ do indeed depend on the metric convention. This also applies to $F_{\mu\nu}$, whereas the tensor of mixed rank $F^\mu{}_\nu$ is independant of this choice (which is just (1)).

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