[Physics] the resistivity of copper at 3 kelvin?


I couldn't find the value of resistivity of copper at 2.73K on google

Best Answer

There is a problem with answering your question in that at such a low temperature the resistivity of copper is very much determined by the impurities and crystallographic defects eg dislocations, voids etc, which may be present.
At low temperatures it is the scattering of free electrons by impurities and crystallographic defects which determine the resistivity rather than the thermal excitation of the copper ions.

The parameter which is often measured is the residual resistance ratio $\dfrac{R_{\text{273 K}}}{R_{4.2\,\rm K}}$ which for fairly pure copper wire as used for telephone lines might be of the order of $100$.

Large single crystals of very pure copper can be produced with residual resistance ratios in the thousands.

enter image description here.

I have annotated the graph to illustrate the non-linear logarithmic scale and how to find the resistivity of copper at $3\, \rm K$.

enter image description here

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