[Physics] the probability of obtaining the same measurement a finite time after causing a wave-function collapse with the initial measurement

quantum mechanicsquantum-informationquantum-measurementstime evolutionwavefunction-collapse

Say I have a qubit that can be in two charge eigenstates, $|0\rangle$ and $|1\rangle$. The qubit also has two distinct energy levels with eigenstates $|E_0\rangle$ and $|E_1\rangle$, which each have a probability of 50% of being measured, i.e:
|0\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|E_0\rangle +i|E_1\rangle)

|1\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|E_0\rangle -i|E_1\rangle)

Say I measure the energy of the qubit when it is in the charge state $|1\rangle$ at $t = 0$ and I find out it is in the energy state $E_1$, would subsequent measurements of the energy after this initial measurement yield the same value? I understand that immediately after this measurement (i.e still $t = 0$) that the probability of measuring the same energy state is 100% since the wave-function has collapsed, but what about when $t \neq 0$? Would the probability remain 100%? What about the charge states $|0\rangle$ and $|1\rangle$, would it remain in the $|1\rangle$ state since I initially measured the energy in that state, or would it still have it's respective probabilities?

I think I am a little bit confused. I have tried to be very careful with my wording, any help will be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

This is a problem of time evolution of a state. If your initial state is $|\psi\rangle(t=0)$, then the state at later time $t$ is given by, $$|\psi\rangle(t)=e^{\frac{i\hat{H}t}{\hbar}}|\psi\rangle(0)$$ where $\hat{H}$ is the hamiltonian operator. Moving to your problem, first you measure the sate for energy and end up with the energy eigenstate $|E_1\rangle$. This means that at $t=0$, $|\psi\rangle(0)=c_1|E_1\rangle$ (which is an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian), where $c_1$ is some amplitude. So at some later time $t$, your state should evolve like, $$|\psi\rangle(t)=e^{\frac{i\hat{H}t}{\hbar}}c_1|E_1\rangle$$ $$|\psi\rangle(t)=e^{\frac{iE_1t}{\hbar}}c_1|E_1\rangle$$ You will be able to write last equation beacuse $|E_1\rangle$ is the eigenstate of the Hamiltonian (If you want ot derive this, Taylor expand the $e^{\frac{i\hat{H}t}{\hbar}}$ about $t=0$). But now you can clearly see that even after the time evolution of your initial state, $|\psi\rangle(t)$ remains eigenstate of the Hamiltonian as $e^{\frac{iE_1t}{\hbar}}$ is just a phase. Therefore, the probability of measurement of in state $|E_1\rangle$ remains 100%.

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