[Physics] the principle behind centrifugation

densityfluid dynamicsnewtonian-mechanicsrotational-dynamics

What is the principle behind centrifugation?

I understand the idea that you spin something around the centripetal force will cause an apparent force on the spinning system.
However I don't quite grasp how particles (in the non subatomic sense) with different density should be affected differently.

Quite coarsely, I would expect to write down Newton's second law, but then the mass would simplify and the acceleration of every particle would be the same, regardless of mass.

Is friction the answer? Or am I missing something silly?

Best Answer

You are missing buoyant force. Let us take a simple example when you pour some dirt in water and shake after some time more dense object settle.Why ? Because of buoyant force $$F=mg-V_{obj}d_{fluid}g$$ $$a=g-\frac{d_{fluid}}{d_{obj}}g$$ Hence the less dense object remain suspended for a long time.

In the same way, in centrifuge there is outward acceleration same a $g$(due to centrifugal force) but greater in magnitude and buoyant force due to that.Hence dense particles moves away from the axis and less dense particles towards the axis.
Although to an "inertial observer" the spinning centrifuge does not produce a "real force" it does increase the pressure within the fluid,but to an observer "in the test tube" it is same as increasing the gravitational force.