Buoyancy – The Physics Behind Balloons Lifting Objects


Apologies for the super basic question, but we all have to start somewhere right?

Can somebody please explain exactly how you would calculate the number of helium balloons it would take to lift an object of mass $m$ here on earth, the variables I would need to take into account and any other physics that come into play.

I think I can roughly calculate it using the method below but would love somebody to explain how this is right/wrong or anything I have negated to include. This model is so simple, I am thinking it can't possibly be correct.

  • 1 litre of helium lifts roughly 0.001kg (I think?)
  • Assumption: an inflated balloon is uniform and has a radius $r$ of 0.1m

  • $\frac{4}{3}\pi r^3 = 4.189$ cubic metres $\approx$ 4 litres capacity per balloon

  • Lets say $m = 1$kg, therefore $\frac{m\div0.001}{4} = 250$ balloons to lift that object?

As you can tell, I haven't touched Physics since high school and would really appreciate any help. It seems like an easy question, but actually is probably more complex than I thought.

Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

You need to take density of the air into the question. And weight of the balloon itself.

The Archimedes' law says:

Any object, wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

Therefore a balloon can support the same weight as equal volume of air has (reducing gravitational acceleration from the equation as it appears on both sides). Which includes weight of the baloon itself. And note that weight of the rubber will probably be considerably higher than weight of the helium inside.