[Physics] the physical interpretation of the density matrix in a double continuous basis $|\alpha\rangle$, $|\beta\rangle$

quantum mechanicsquantum-informationquantum-opticsquasiprobability-distributionswigner-transform

(a) Any textbook gives the interpretation of the density matrix in a single continuous basis $|\alpha\rangle$:

  • The diagonal elements $\rho(\alpha, \alpha) = \langle \alpha |\hat{\rho}| \alpha \rangle$ give the populations.

  • The off-diagonal elements $\rho(\alpha, \alpha') = \langle \alpha |\hat{\rho}| \alpha' \rangle$ give the coherences.

(b) But what is the physical interpretation (if any) of the density matrix $\rho(\alpha, \beta) = \langle \alpha |\hat{\rho}| \beta \rangle$ for a double continuous basis $|\alpha\rangle$, $|\beta\rangle$?

I know that when the double basis are position and momentum then $\rho(p, x)$ is interpreted as a pseudo-probability. I may confess that I have never completely understood the concept of pseudo-probability [*], but I would like to know if this physical interpretation as pseudo-probability can be extended to arbitrary continuous basis $|\alpha\rangle$, $|\beta\rangle$ for non-commuting operators $\hat{\alpha}$, $\hat{\beta}$ and as probability for commuting ones.

[*] Specially because $\rho(p, x)$ is bounded and cannot be 'spike'.

EDIT: To avoid further misunderstandings I am adding some background. Quantum averages can be obtained in a continuous basis $| \alpha \rangle$ as

$$\langle A \rangle = \int \mathrm{d} \alpha \; \langle \alpha | \hat{\rho} \hat{A} | \alpha \rangle$$

(a) Introducing closure in the same basis $| \alpha \rangle$

$$\langle A \rangle
= \int \mathrm{d} \alpha \int \mathrm{d} \alpha' \; \langle \alpha | \hat{\rho} | \alpha' \rangle \langle \alpha' | \hat{A} | \alpha \rangle = \int \mathrm{d} \alpha \int \mathrm{d} \alpha' \; \rho(\alpha,\alpha') A(\alpha',\alpha)$$

with the usual physical interpretation for the density matrix $\rho(\alpha,\alpha')$ as discussed above.

(b) Introducing closure in a second basis $| \beta \rangle$, we obtain the alternative representation

$$\langle A \rangle
= \int \mathrm{d} \alpha \int \mathrm{d} \beta \; \langle \alpha | \hat{\rho} | \beta \rangle \langle \beta | \hat{A} | \alpha \rangle = \int \mathrm{d} \alpha \int \mathrm{d} \beta \; \rho(\alpha,\beta) A(\beta,\alpha)$$

When the two basis are momentum $| p \rangle$ and position $| x \rangle$ the density $\rho(p,x)$ is the well-known Wigner function whose physical interpretation is that of a pseudo-probability. My question is about the physical interpretation of $\rho(\alpha,\beta)$ in two arbitrary basis $| \alpha \rangle$, $ | \beta \rangle$.

Best Answer

Probabilities have a physical meaning only in a context where measureemnt is possible. Between states of a pointer basis in a measurement context, the matrix elements of a density matrix have the standard probabilistic meaning.

In any other basis, they are just mathematical expressions intermediate to other calculations of interest. (I wouldn't give a penny for attempts to interpret these in terms of nonphysical pseudo-probabilities.)

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