Mean Life of Radioactive Substances – Nuclear Physics Insights


As far as my understanding goes, it is the average lifetime of a collection of nuclei undergoing disintegration. But doesn't each nucleus take an infinite amount of time to decay? Is that not why we use the concept of half-life? Then, shouldn't the mean life be infinite as well?

Best Answer

What do you mean by your question:

doesn't each nucleus take an infinite amount of time to decay?

As far as I know, this is not true. A nucleus will start in one state, and end in another "decayed state" + radiation ($\alpha^{2+}, \beta^\pm, \gamma$ or whatever), and this is not an infinitely long process.

A nucleus has a probability of decaying within the next time interval, say $\delta t$, or not. Thanks to how statistics and probability work, if we have a large number of these nuclei, they will collectively exhibit a "mean lifetime" (i.e. we are able to obtain an average time it takes for one nucleus to decay).

Perhaps you're getting confused by this formula:

$$N = N_0e^{-\lambda t} = N_0e^{-t/\tau}$$

where $N$ is the number of non-decayed nuclei present in your sample, and $N_0$ is the number of initial non-decayed nuclei.

In this case, yes it takes (in theory) an infinite amount of time for $N$ to reach $0$, though this assumes $N$ can vary continuously (such as taking values like $N=0.01$, which is non-physical - $N$ can only take integer values). As $N$ and $N_0$ get larger, this equation better describes the situation.

Here, $\tau = 1/\lambda$ is in fact the mean lifetime, and is related to the half life,$\tau_{1/2}$ via

$$\tau = \frac{\tau_{1/2}}{\ln 2}$$
