Quantum Field Theory – Exploring the Lagrangian in Scalar Field Theory


This is perhaps a naive question, but why do we write down the Lagrangian

$$\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2}\eta^{\mu\nu}\partial_{\mu}\phi\partial_{\nu}\phi – \frac{1}{2}m^2\phi^2$$

as the simplest Lagrangian for a real scalar field? This is by no means obvious to me! After all it gives rise to a kinetic energy term (fine), some specific unmotivated potential energy (less fine) and a gradient energy (even less obvious).

Is there some principle by which we know to study this Lagrangian? Is it just that $\mathcal{L}$ gives rise to a nice equation (the Klein-Gordon equation), which we can interpret in an appealing way? This reason seems somehow hollow!

I've heard people mention causality as a motivation, but I can't see how that ties in. Could someone provide me with some intuition?

Many thanks in advance!

Best Answer

I have a slightly different perspective from the other two answers which provides a more elementary motivation. Suppose you know nothing about renormalizability or energy-momentum relations and all you know is that a Lagrangian density is a function of fields and their derivatives that transforms as a scalar under Poincaré transformations.

You can motivate the Klein-Gordon equation by asking what is the simplest Lagrangian you can write down for a scalar field that transforms as a scalar and provides a positive-definite Hamiltonian.

Since we're dealing with scalar fields any polynomial function of the fields $\phi$ will satisfy the correct Lorentz transformation property. So you could write down a term like $a\phi+b\phi^2$ with real constants $a$ and $b$. Now we also want to include derivatives $\partial_\mu\phi$. In order to satisfy the correct Lorentz transformation properties we need to contract this with a term $\partial^\mu\phi$.

So the simplest Lagrangian we can write down is $\mathcal{L}=c\partial_\mu\phi\partial^\mu\phi+a\phi+b\phi^2$ from which we obtain a Hamiltonian


The $a\phi$ term is not nice since it ruins the positive-definiteness of the Hamiltonian, so set $a=0$. A scalar field and the derivatives both have dimension of $[mass]^2$ and the Lagrangian density has dimension $[mass]^4$, so $c$ should be dimensionless and $b$ should be $b=-m^2$ where $m$ has units of mass and the minus sign is there to make the Hamiltonian positive-definite.

So we've reduced our Hamiltonian to


Setting $c=1/2$ and rescaling $m^2\rightarrow m^2/2$ means the coeffecients of all terms are the same.

Hence the Lagrangian densiy is $\mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2}\partial_\mu\phi\partial^\mu\phi-\frac{1}{2}m^2\phi^2$

*Things you could try and argue against this being the simplest scalar field Lagrangian;

  1. If the point is simplicity, why not just ignore the derivate terms and write a Lagrangian for a scalar field as $\mathcal{L}=-m^2\phi^2$? Because if you ignore the derivative terms the field equation is $\phi=0$, and who cares about that? Ignoring the derivatives results in a non-dynamical field. So the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian is the simplest you can write down where something actually happens.

Of course, you get a simpler valid Lagrangian by setting $m=0$, but this isn't done as books want to show the energy-momentum relation in a general setting when you quantize the field. However, you can start with the massless case in 5 dimensions and perform dimensional reduction to obtain the massive case in 4 dimensions.

  1. Why ignore the possibility of field-derivative interaction terms? You can do this, but the goal is simplicity, and the simplest term coupling the field to its derivatives, transforming correctly and yielding a positive definite Hamiltonian is $\phi\phi\partial_\mu\phi\partial^\mu\phi$, which is much more complicated than our other terms.
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