[Physics] the halving thickness of diferent materials against high energy gamma rays


By high energy gamma rays I mean 10+ MeV to 100 MeV. Is there a way to calculate it ?
Also, at these high energies, do heavier elements like Lead for example still have the advantage over lighter ones like Aluminum ?

Best Answer

In general it can be difficult to calculate the interaction of photons with atoms as a function of energy as different interaction mechanisms turn on and off: pair production turns on at 1.022 MeV, Rayleigh scattering turns on at low E as a function of atomic/molecular size, etc. An important question to ask yourself is "how precisely do I need to know the attenuation length of a photon in a given material?" Note that attenuation length is generally a more convenient quantity for calculations than halving thickness, and it corresponds to the distance at which $1/e \simeq 63\%$ of photons have been absorbed.

In many materials the mean free path of 10-100 MeV photons is roughly flat, as pair production is the dominant mechanism by which photons interact in this energy range. You can look up the attenuation lengths of various materials as a function of energy at this NIST page. You'll probably want to select units of $\frac{cm^2}{g}$. Whatever number you get from the table you will multiply by the density of your material---which has units of $\frac{g}{cm^3}$ ---the resulting number will be in units of $\frac{1}{cm}$ and is 1/attenuation length. Also, to answer your second question, in general you'll find that the increasing density of a material corresponds to shorter attenuation lengths, since the more charged particles you pack into a tighter volume corresponds to more photons stopped via pair production in that volume. In general heavier elements correspond to denser materials.

For a more precise analytical treatment of attenuation length, you may want to consult the literature. Looking in the PDG, they reference a paper by Y.S. Tsai in Rev. Mod. Phys. 46, 815 (1974). Good luck!

P.S.: Note that if you're asking this because you're trying to protect yourself from radioactive materials, you should contact a radiation safety expert as radiation protection can be much more complicated than just stopping gamma rays (material handling, neutron radiation, etc.).

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