[Physics] the energy transformation in the fission reaction


According to one of my physics textbooks, when U-235 absorbs a neutron it becomes unstable and soon fissions into two separate atoms. The forces driving these two atoms apart are electrostatic forces of repulsion. Thus the kinetic energy that these atoms receive comes from the electrostatic interaction. This kinetic energy is later transformed into heat in an atomic reactor when two released atoms slow down colliding with the molecules of water.

What role does the binding energy play in this scenario? Does it mean that some part of the binding energy is transformed into kinetic through electrostatic repulsion?

Best Answer

The forces driving these two atoms apart are electrostatic forces of repulsion. Thus the kinetic energy that these atoms receive comes from the electrostatic interaction. This kinetic energy is later transformed into heat in an atomic reactor when two released atoms slow down colliding with the molecules of water.

I think in nuclear processes one should give importance to strong forces of attraction of nuclear nature rather than electrostatic forces between charged nucleons/or role of atomic electrons.

The enormous quantity of energy release in a fission can be qualitatively understood with the help of binding energy or binding fraction of a nucleus which is ratio of Binding energy and mass number(B/A) usually called f(b). For Uranium f(b)=7.6 MeV per nucleon.

The fragments produced by fission have mass numbers near the middle of the periodic table having f(b) of the range 8.5 MeV-

Thus by the breaking up approx. 0.9 MeV energy per nucleon gets released ;which comes out to be around 212 Mev for Uranium fission. Alternatively Q value of fission reaction can also be estimated which comes to 201 Mev for Uranium absorbing a thermal neutron and breaking into Ba and Kr with 3 neutrons.

I wish to point out that the nuclear fission process itself gets a good amount of energy released due to changes in binding energy of nucleons involved and electrostatic energy conversion does not play any significant role in this nuclear exoergic process.

Therefore one must revise the picture of Electrostatic energy going to Kinetic energy and then thermal energy of the fission process- as their contribution is minimal.