[Physics] The electromagnetic field tensor in curvilinear coordinate systems


I've been researching all things tensor so I can start studying general relativity. One of the main reasons to use tensors is because of their ability to describe physical laws in various coordinate systems. During my research, I found out about the electromagnetic field tensor, $F^{\mu\nu}$, and how it can be used to sum up Maxwell's equations in two equations, these: $$\partial_{\mu}F^{\mu\nu}=\mu_0J^{\nu}$$ $$\partial_{[{\gamma}}F_{\mu\nu]}=0$$
Wikipedia states the form of $F^{\mu\nu}$as this:
$$F^{\mu\nu}=\begin{pmatrix}0 & -E_x/c & -E_x/c &-E_x/c\\E_x/c & 0 & -B_z & B_y\\E_y/c & B_z &0 & -B_x\\E_x/c &-B_y & B_x &0\end{pmatrix}$$ However, this definition is in Cartestian coordinates, which defeats the purpose of tensor equations being able to define in all coordinate systems. So, my question is how can I generally define the electromagnetic field tensor for all curvilinear coordinate systems?

NOTE: I have been here, https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/electromagnetic-field-tensor-in-curvilinear-coordinates.618984/ , where this same question was asked. However, I do not understand the way they explained their method, or really the method itself. Also, this is different from the question Electromagnetic tensor in cylindrical coordinates from scratch, because I am asking for a way to find it in all curvilinear coordinate systems, not just cylindical.

Best Answer

The explicit form for $F^{\mu\nu}$ is just one option to express $F^{\mu\nu}$ in cartesian coordinates using the EM field itself.

The definition over the four potential is coordinate independent and covariant: $$F_{\mu\nu}=\partial_\mu A_\nu -\partial_\nu A_\mu.$$ For an overview the link provided by Leonardo Francisco Cavenaghi in his answer is a good starting point.

For a more detailed but still compact discussion of Maxwells equations and electromagnetism in flat and curved spacetime I can recommend this paper W. C. dos Santos, 2016, Introduction to Einstein-Maxwell equations and the Rainich conditions.

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