[Physics] the direction of magnetic field lines

magnetic fields

Ok, so I was studying about magnetism. And
the book mentioned:

Magnetic field lines are directed from south pole towards the north pole and thus a closed and continuous curve is formed.

Here is an image from the book:

image of the book's page

Then the diagrams indicated that magnetic field lines are directed from north pole towards the south pole.

Here are the diagrams:

image of the diagrams

Now which one do I believe? Both the images are from Selina Publishers' Physics…

Thanks in advance for support..

Best Answer

Now which one do I believe?

You believe both. They are both correct and they do not contradict each other at all.

The text says that the lines go from south to north inside the magnet. The images show the lines going from north to south outside the magnet. The fact that magnetic field lines form continuous closed loops means that south to north inside the magnet implies north to south outside and vice versa.