[Physics] the direction of area vector while calculating magnetic flux

conventionsmagnetic fields

In my textbook, as a preliminary to Faraday's law of induction, magnetic flux is defined over a closed loop as

$$\Phi_B = \oint \vec{B}\cdot d\vec{A}$$

Then it draws a parallel with electric flux and says: "as in electric flux, $d\vec{A}$ is a vector of magnitude $dA$ that is perpendicular to a differential area $dA$". But the electric flux is through a closed surface, and the direction of $d\vec{A}$ is defined as coming out of the surface. The book does not mention anything about how direction is the direction of area vector is defined in case of magnetic flux. Also, there is not necessarily a current in the loop so we can't assign a direction using that?

I wasn't able to find an explicit clarification anywhere else on the web.

Best Answer

Indeed you have two possibilities. However it does not matter here, in the sense that you can fix the direction you want in absence of further requirements, provided obviously, you are coherent with your choice at each step when you solve a particular problem. The "right" prescription has to be fixed as soon as you state Faraday's law of induction. In that case you have to fix a direction along the loop used to compute the integral of the electric field and the direction of $d\vec{A}$. They are linked by the "law of the right hand": The preferred direction $d\vec{\ell}$ along the loop is that from the palm to fingertips of your right hand when it surrounds the loop. Then, the associated preferred direction of $d\vec{A}$ is indicated by the thumb. With these choices, Faraday's law of induction is stated: $$\oint_{+\partial \Sigma} \vec{E} \cdot d\vec{\ell} = - \frac{d}{dt} \int_{+\Sigma} \vec{B}\cdot d\vec{A}$$

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