[Physics] The Difference Between voltage and current


I know that this question has been asked many times before, and I have read over several of the threads asking this question, but they do not include the gripe I have with my problem of understanding the difference.

As I understand it, voltage, V, (also called electromotive force, EMF) is essentially the "wanting" of electrons to push away from the negative terminal and to want to go to the positive terminal to eventually balance out the charges and create a net neutral charge. This is done through a conductor, like a wire, between the two terminals. The movement of electrons caused by the attraction of the charge from the negative terminal to positive is the current, I.

Now, as my textbook defines it, voltage is the amount of energy, E, per unit charge, Q. Current is defined as the amount of charge, Q, passing through a point in the circuit in a unit time, t. Current is determined by voltage, as is also stated in Ohm's Law (i.e. if voltage rises/falls, current rises/falls, if resistance remains constant). So then, if energy is lost in a resistor, why does current through the resistor not change? Shouldn't the current go down if energy is lost? Or is it that energy is determined by something within the voltage source (e.g. battery) that is not related to charge?

Best Answer

What you could say is "if energy is lost in a resistor, then why doesn't the velocity of the charged particles increase, as per Work-Energy theorem?". So your question should really go something like "Why doesnt current which is $Q/t$ increase if the velocity will increase after voltage drops"?

The answer to this is that we assume all potential energy lost, is again lost due to inner collisions with other atoms, and that's why materials heat up! Also, this implies a steady current because the drift velocity will not be changing.


It can be shown that $F\Delta x= \Delta KE$ this means that a force acting on some distance will produce a change in kinetic energy. You can imagine an electric field where the work done by it is simply $W= qE\Delta x$. By the way notice that if I were to divide that expression by the charge $q$ I would obtain the voltage across the thing i'm concerned with. Namely $V=E\Delta x$.

So in summary, if I do some work, then I have some change in kinetic energy. If there is a voltage drop, it follows that positive work was done and kinetic energy increased, which means a velocity increment.

Across a resistor there is a voltage drop. So why isn't it that charged particles are going faster and then I can measure a current increase? Well that's due to the explanation I gave above my edit portion. Namely, that all that increase in kinetic energy is absorbed due to collisions with the neighboring atoms.

By the way, if you're curious enough to visit this website, I suggest you look up a video on Work-Energy theorem on youtube. This concept is pretty straightforward and I'm sure you can understand it.

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