[Physics] the difference between the specific heat capacities of water under isobaric and isochoric conditions


Can the difference of specific heat capacity of water under isochoric and isobaric conditions be explained in terms of the internal energy of the system? Most of the videos I have watched base their explanation in terms of ideal gases. I guess its something to do with the fact isochoric conditions mean all the heat energy provided goes to the internal energy of the molecules. I also have the graphs of the specific heat capacities plotted against time

Best Answer

In general it is the same idea as with ideal gases. This here is not what is formal answer, because specific heat is generally defined with entalpy and internal energy. This is rather the explanation, why there is a difference.

In order to change volume $V$ when the pressure is constant, some work $A$ has to be provided. In differential case (very small change): $dA=pdV$.

From conservation of energy we can than determine that: $$ dQ=dW+dA $$ $Q$ is internal energy of a system, and dW is energy added, and A is work done by the system.

So we can denote specific heat as $dQ/dT$:

$$ c_p=\frac{dQ}{dT}=\frac{dW+pdV}{dT} $$ and $$ c_V=\frac{dQ}{dT}=\frac{dW+pdV}{dT}=\frac{dW+p\cdot0}{dT}=\frac{dW}{dT} $$

You can see from here, that $c_p$ is greater than $c_v$. The relation between this two depends on equation of state and it can be quite ugly for liquids. But in general when we have isobaric conditions, some added energy is converted into work needed, to change the volume of system.

If you are not familiar with differentials $d$, they are just very small changes $\Delta$.

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