[Physics] the difference between symmetry protected topological (SPT) order and topological order


As far as I know, the SPT orders(or SPT phases) are all gapped and protected by symmetry. However they are short range entangled, and the topological order phases are all long range entangled. So the SPT phases are "trivial" topological order. This confused me because it is called "topological". And why are the SPT phases worth studied since they are "trivial" ?
The name SPT and topological order are so similar. Do they have relations?

Best Answer

A symmetry-protected topological phase has a certain symmetry. Any Hamiltonian in this phase can be adiabatically deformed (i.e. without closing the gap) into a Hamiltonian whose ground state is a product state, but the symmetry must be explicitly broken during the deformation process and then restored at the end. As a visually analogy, there is a "wall" crossing the submanifold of parameter space that respects the symmetry, and the wall separates the SPT phase from the totally trivial phase with a product ground state. But if you are allowed to temporarily break the symmetry, then you can leave the submanifold and "jump over the wall" before ending up back in the submanifold and restoring the symmetry.

A Hamiltonian in a topologically ordered phase cannot be deformed into a Hamiltonian with a product ground state by any means whatsoever (without closing the gap). Here, the "wall" crosses the entire parameter space of all possible (local) perturbations (it's infinitely high and can't be jumped over). The phase does not need to have any symmetry. This is much stronger condition.

The two concepts are closely related mathematically as well. It turns out that topologically ordered states are much more exotic than SPT states. (E.g. they have "anyonic" excitations with neither bosonic nor fermionic exchange statistics, while SPT's do not. At least, not in the bulk - things get a little subtle at the boundary.) But if you mathematically "gauge" the symmetry that protects the SPT, then you get a theory that is morally very similar to a topologically ordered state. Also, both types of systems can usefully by classified using cohomology theory.

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