[Physics] the difference between pressure in water droplet and that in an air bubble


The question is at least supposed to be simple but yeah, I need some detailed answers. I have tried thinking about it in the lines of surface tension but it seems what is required of me is more than that so if anyone has faced a similar question, your help would be most needed.

Best Answer

Let us solve this problem by considering the free energy $F$ of the whole system in thermal equilibrium (temperature and particle number constant, so $d F = - p \; dV$). In fact the type of system does not matter as far as we are considering a bubble of some gaseous or liquid substance inside another substance (can be the same one). Let us for now just look at the case of an air bubble (label $a$) with a spherical surface ($s$) in water (liquid $l$).

The total free energy (differential) of the system is $$dF = dF_a + dF_l + dF_s.$$ The individual free energies of air and liquid are $dF_a = -p_a\; dV$ ($V = V_a$) and $dF_l = -p_l\; dV_l = p_l\; dV$ since an increase in volume of the liquid is equivalent to the decrease in volume of the air. The free energy of the surface can be described as $dF = \Gamma dA$ where $\Gamma$ is the surface tension and $A$ is the surface area of the bubble. Inserting this into the equation above gives

$$0 = -p_a dV + p_l dV + \Gamma dA \qquad \text{or} \qquad p_a = p_l + \frac{dA}{dV} \Gamma.$$

Assuming a spherical geometry of the bubble we can write $dA/dV = 4 \pi \; d(r^2)/(4\pi \; d(r^3)/3) = 3 \times 1/(3 r^2) \times d(r^2)/dr = 2/r$ and

$$p_a = p_l + \frac{2}{r} \Gamma.$$

The calculation is equivalent for different combinations of substance (air bubble in air (soap), water droplet in air, air bubble in water).

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