[Physics] The difference between magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation

electromagnetismmagnetic fields

As a layperson, I understand electromagnetic radiation to be a wave of photons with a certain frequency, and different frequencies have different characteristics to us. For example, we can detect with our eyes certain frequencies, but others we cannot, even if they can cause otherwise visible effects (such as heating something up).

A magnetic field, however, I imagine as something like a "force field" that attracts or repels things, which we can fluctuate to do work such as spin a rotor.

I believe the two are related, but how? What does a wave of photons have to do with attracting things? I am looking at some practical, visual example of their relationship, if possible.

Here is another example that might further demonstrate my confusion: crystal radios are powered by radio waves. Radio waves are often referred to as electromagnetic radiation that is at a low enough frequency that we cannot see it. I can imagine how a fluctuating magnetic field could power a radio and produce sound, but I can't picture how electromagnetic radiation could.

Best Answer

First, a magnetic field does no work. Induced electric fields by a magnetic field( for example a time changing magnetic field), produce work. See the discussion here: physics.stackexchange.com/questions/67826/… and look for Jim's comments on the accepted answer. Magnetic fields generate electric fields inside an object and that's how work is produce. Although macroscopically it may seem that magnetism is ding all the work it's not.

And may I ask why you cannot picture electromagnetism doing work? Let's mention first that the electric and magnetic fields do not exist completely alone. By Special Relativity considerations one shows that in an inertial frame were only one of the fields exist, in another both exist.

From the scope of classical electromagnetism( Maxwell equations) it's not so valid to discuss the existence of photons. Electromagnetic radiation is the propagation of time dependent coupled electromagnetic fields- by coupled I mean that one field has a phase relation with the other. This result comes from solving the Maxwell equations, the equations of motion for classic light.This radiation carries energy and momentum in the fields and these fields exert a force on object via a force called Lorentz force (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_force and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covariant_formulation_of_classical_electromagnetism).

So classical light can exert a force, but it's just to small to feel. When the light of the Sun heats you on a hot day, a force is exerted on your body on a molecular level, this force translate in work is the energy your body cells gain and so they warm up. You can also think of visible light of lasers, where a highly energetic beam concentrated can do real damage to an object or the case of gamma radiation that can damage your DNA.

If you now take quantum mechanical considerations you can think of light being quantized, but to do that properly one should quantize the electromagnetic field. A simpler approach is to treat the interacting particles( electrons for example) as quantum mechanical and the interaction between them taken as granted to be the electromagnetic potentials. Anyway, you may consider photons but these particles are not particles in the sense of a concrete classical body, since they describe a field.

Finally, I should mention once more that a body moved from an electric field( of a capacitor) could be seen from another frame of reference as moved by an electromagnetic field. And a body that is moved by magnetic field( a magnet) should be understood as a moving body because of the induced electric fields inside it.

Hope this helps.