[Physics] the difference between enthalpy and internal energy


What is pv in enthalpy's equation? if we transfer energy to a system in the form of work does it reflect in its internal energy fully and if it does why do we need a term called enthalpy which seperates pv term in its equation?if pv is not included in internal energy then why on doing work internal energy of the system changes?

Best Answer

Enthalpy is a state property and is defined as


Where $H$ is the enthalpy, $U$ internal energy, and $pV$ is the product of pressure and volume. So enthalpy is a state property derived from internal energy and other properties, $p$ and $V$.

Enthalpy is simply a useful derived property for analyzing certain type of thermodynamic problems. It is not a fundamental property such as internal energy, entropy, pressure, volume and temperature.

Hope this helps.

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