[Physics] the difference between electric potential, electrostatic potential, potential difference (PD), voltage and electromotive force (EMF)


This is a confused part ever since I started learning electricity. What is the difference between electric potential, electrostatic potential, potential difference (PD), voltage and electromotive force (EMF)? All of them have the same SI unit of Volt, right? I would appreciate an answer.

Best Answer

EDIT: Put simply, potential difference is the work done by electrostatic force on a unit charge, while EMF is the work done by anything other than electrostatic force on a unit charge.

I don't like the term "voltage". It seems to mean anything measured in volts. I'd rather say electric potential and electromotive force.

And the two are fundamentally different.

Electrostatic field is conservative, that is, over any loop $l$ we have $\oint_l \vec{E}\cdot\mathrm{d}\vec{l}=0$. In other words, the line integral of electrostatic field does not depend on the path, but only on end points. So we can define point by point a scalar value electrostatic potential $\varphi$, such that $$\varphi_A-\varphi_B=\int_A^B \vec{E}\cdot\mathrm{d}\vec{l},$$


$$q \left( \varphi_A-\varphi_B \right)=\int_A^B q\vec{E}\cdot\mathrm{d}\vec{l},$$

so $q\Delta\varphi$ equals the work done by electrostatic force.

In pratical application, electrons (and other carriers) flow in circuits. Since electrostatic field is conservative, it alone cannot move electrons in circles; it can only move them from lower potential to higher potential. You need another kind of force to move them from higher potential to lower ones in order to complete a cycle. This other force could be chemical, magnetic or even electric (vortex electric field, different from electrostatic field), and their equivalent contribution is called electromotive force. $$\mathrm{E.M.F.}=\int_\text{Circuit} \frac{\vec{F}}{q}\cdot\mathrm{d}\vec{l}$$

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