[Physics] The Delta-Function Potential

potential energyquantum mechanicsschroedinger equationwavefunction

I'm reading through Griffiths Intro to QM 2nd Ed. and when it comes to bound/scattering states (2.5) they say:

$E<0 \implies$ bound state

$E>0 \implies$ scattering state

Why doesn't this change depending on whether you have a positive or negative delta-function potential?

Best Answer

This definition of bound and scattering states is not quite correct, although it holds for many potentials. There are counterexamples to this fact that have roots in a paper by von Neumann and Wigner. One is the spherical potential $$V(r)=32\sin r \frac{\sin r-(1+r)\cos r}{\left(2+2r-\sin 2r\right)^2}$$ It is not hard to check that $V(r)$ is a bounded continuous function that vanishes at infinity. Even though, the function $$\psi(x)=\frac{2\sin r}{r\left(2+2r-\sin 2r\right)}$$ is an eigenfunction of $H=-\Delta + V$, with eigenvalue $1>0$.

Mathematica graphics

So this is an example of a bound state for which these conditions do not hold. The precise definition of bound states is more subtle and is given by the elements of $$\mathcal{H}_{\text{bound}}(H)=\left\{\psi(x,0) \in L^2(\Bbb{R}^n):\lim_{r\to\infty}\sup_{t\in \Bbb{R}} \int_{\Bbb{R^n}\backslash B(0;r)}|\psi(x,t)|^2dx=0\right\},$$ where $\psi(x,t)=e^{-itH}\psi(x,0)$, that is, the states that are localized in space for any time $t$. It's always true that $\mathcal{H}_{\text{bound}}(H) \supset \mathcal{H}_{\text{p}}(H)$, the closure of the set of linear combinations of eigenvectors of $H$, and for some potentials the equality holds.

For the delta-function potential, the realization of a self-adjoint operator that has the right properties is not so simple, but can be done in some ways. But as Griffiths discuss, the change from a negative to positive delta potential kills the bound state, since its only eigenfunction is not normalizable anymore and all states are scattering states.