[Physics] the definition of entropy in microcanonical ensemble

entropystatistical mechanics

I am going through Statistical Mechanics book by Kerson Huang and he defines the entropy as,
$$S(E, V) = k_B \log \Gamma(E)$$
where $\Gamma(E)$ is the volume in phase space occupied by the microcanonical ensemble,
$$\Gamma(E) = \int_{E<\mathcal{H}(p,q)<E+\Delta}\ d^{3N}p\ d^{3N}q$$
All other books I've studied on Statistical Mechanics define entropy as,
$$S = k_B \log\Omega$$
where $\Omega$ is defined as the number of accessible microstates corresponding to the given energy between $E$ and $E+\Delta$. My understanding is that these two definitions will be equivalent to each other only if,
$$\Gamma(E) = \int_{E<\mathcal{H}(p,q)<E+\Delta}\ d^{3N}p\ d^{3N}q\ \rho(q, p, t)$$
where $\rho$ is the density function and therefore, $d^{3N}p\ d^{3N}q\ \rho(q, p, t)$ will represent the total number of accessible microstates in the phase space volume $d^{3N}p\ d^{3N}q$. So, please explain how these two seemingly different definitions do not contradict each other. What am I missing?

Best Answer

The density $\rho$ would count the number of microstates within the volume $d^{3N}p\,d^{3N}q$ that satisfies the energy constraint $E<\mathcal{H}<E+\Delta$. So you'd actually have:

\begin{align} \Gamma(E) &= \int_{E<\mathcal{H}<E+\Delta} d^{3N}p\,d^{3N}q \\ &= \int \rho\,d^{3N}p\,d^{3N}q \end{align}

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