[Physics] the connection between mechanics and electrodynamics that makes it necessary for both of these to obey the same principle of relativity


Mechanics obeyed Newtonian relativity (faithful to Galilean transformations) before Einstein.
Einstein formulated Special relativity (faithful to Lorentz transformations), and Maxwell's equations became invariant under Special relativity. So, electrodynamics obeyed Special relativity. So far, so good.

Why could we not be happy to conclude that Mechanics obeys Newtonian relativity, and Electrodynamics obeys Special relativity? Why in his first postulate did Einstein emphasize that both Mechanics and Electrodynamics should obey Special relativity? What was the crucial connection between Mechanics and Electrodynamics that demanded that both should obey the same principle of relativity? Is the reason primarily based on experimental verification of Newton's laws for high velocity particles?

Best Answer

Maybe just to emphasize the main point of Andrew steane's answer: The crucial connection is that charged particles are both mechnaical and electrodynamical objects.

Assume that you have some reference frame where you consider a bunch of charged particles. They will move according to ther mechanical equations of motions under the mutual forces determined by the electromagnetic fields, which are, in turn, generated by the charge particles themselves.

If mechanical and electrodynamical would change differently under changes of reference frame, this picture would change, and either the mechanical or the electrodynamical laws (or both) would have to change.

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